Friday, March 27, 2015

Tip !

Approximately 9 cups of fluid are required daily during pregnancy. Additional fluids are needed in case of hot climates and with physical activity; a women should drink enough to keep urine light-colored and normal in volume. Examples of fluids include water, diluted fruit juice, unsweetened beverages, and iced tea-are all good choices to stay hydrated. 


Nisreen Smaili said...

I have studied an read a lot of articles about pregnancy, and it surprises me how a woman's body could be so strong to bear all of the health difficulties she may encounter. Yet I am even more astonished at how not all but 87% of women ignore their health status and act careless during pregnancy. I have read about cases where women stop eating because they think they will gain extra weight, actually this is something normal, because women are not just feeding their body but another creature too. Therefore, they start taking supplements which may have side effects on themselves and the embryo as well. Nowadays, approximately 60% of babies are born with malfunctions. As future mothers we should spread awareness about this issue.

Sondos said...

Thanks for sharing such beneficial information Bayan. For sure, pregnant women need to know this.

Sondos said...

Thanks for sharing such beneficial information Bayan. For sure, pregnant women need to know this.

Inspiration Within! said...

It is known that fluids prevents your body from becoming dehydrated. It is Important to drink lots of water (2 L/ day) especially in case of hot climates. Drink water and feel the freshness!

Khawla said...

This a note that I should take into consideration.. I don't drink water at all during the day, sometimes I drink juice or Nescafe, but that is still not enough. Thanks for this piece of information. I must oblige myself to drink water from now and on.