Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Nutrition During Lactation

~ well-balanced diet (diet affects quality of milk)
~ don't skip meals, eat 5 meals daily (3 main meals, and 2 snacks)
~ Liquid intake is very important (1-2 L /d) 
~ include a source of calcium on each meal ( for a higher quality of milk) 
~ include a source of iron on each meal ( heme and non-heme with vitamin C ) 
~ Include a variety of fruits and vegetables to help get rid of constipation ( sanitation is important)
~ Avoid hot spices and excessive intake of onions and garlic 
~ Avoid fried foods and high fat meals, include the good sources of fat in your diet
~ Avoid the intake of sugar-free products (since actual effects are still unknown)
~ Avoid raw foods ( bacteria may be transfered to the baby) 
~ Avoid foods that cause bloating ( cabbage, cauliflower, radish ...) 
~ Avoid high amounts of coffee (keeps the baby alert) , a max of 2 cups a day.
~ Avoid alcohol and smoking 
~ excersizing is beneficial, but discuss with your doctor (when it's permitted). 


majida said...

water helps a lot, as much as the mother drinks water during pregnancy, the amount of the milk well be double

majida said...

Water helps a lot during pregnancy. As much as the mother drinks water during pregnancy, the amount of the milk will be double

CarineSleiman said...

You gave us information that I don’t know about before. By that you let me know what to eat when I am during lactation. What that makes me surprised that I should avoid the high amounts of coffee because high amounts will keep the baby alert and to avoid raw foods because the bacteria may be transferred to the baby.

Unknown said...

This really is going to help me someday in the future.
Knowing the basic details that will keep my child safe and in good health is important to me.
Its nice to have a lead on facts that will help me in the future