Wednesday, March 25, 2015

MNT Nephrotic Syndrome

Energy: 35 kcal/ kg (IBW) for adults
              100 - 150 kcal/ kg for children

Protein: 0.8 - 1g / kg.  ( 50% HBV)

Fat: 25 - 35% 
        <7% saturated fat
        < 200mg cholesterol

CHO: 50 - 60 %

Na: individualized according to HTA and edema 

K+: individualized according to lab results, may be replaced in case of diuretics 

Phosphorus: individualized based on lab results

Ca: individualized , ~ 800 - 1200 mg/d

Fluids: based on urine output 

Multivitamin supplements is recommended to prevent deficiencies. 

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