Friday, March 27, 2015


Pregnant women experience many body changes during this period of gestation. The total body water increases 7 to 10 L.  The plasma volume begins to increase within a few weeks after conception reaching the maximum at 34 weeks. It's also known that as plasma volume increases birth weight increases too, and that it's an indicator of healthy pregnancy. Lab results in this period show a "dilution effect" where water-soluble vitamins tend to decrease and fat-soluble vitamins show that they are increased; which is normal. In addition, women experience hormonal changes, where the placenta produces both estrogen and progesterone and other hormones that contribute in supporting the normal physiological changes of pregnancy. Women, in the third trimester, encounter the "diabetogenic effect" where insulin resistance occurs and glucose is transfered to the fetus as a main source of energy ( the placenta uses 30-40% of glucose delivered by the maternal circulation). 

1 comment:

suzan halabi said...

Almost every woman will experience pregnancy.Pregnancy represents Allah's might and power over human beings. It is the continuity of life and part and parcel of its cycle. A woman should be highly respected for her ability to handle the changes in her body due to pregnancy and for the pain she handles during delivery. Our mothers are great and they deserve to be cherished.