Friday, March 27, 2015

Tip !

Approximately 9 cups of fluid are required daily during pregnancy. Additional fluids are needed in case of hot climates and with physical activity; a women should drink enough to keep urine light-colored and normal in volume. Examples of fluids include water, diluted fruit juice, unsweetened beverages, and iced tea-are all good choices to stay hydrated. 
Rate of weight gain during is generally highest around mid pregnancy which is prior to the time the fetus gains most of its weight. 
Some weight should be gained in the first trimester (3-5 lb). However, no weight loss is allowed during pregnancy. 


Pregnant women experience many body changes during this period of gestation. The total body water increases 7 to 10 L.  The plasma volume begins to increase within a few weeks after conception reaching the maximum at 34 weeks. It's also known that as plasma volume increases birth weight increases too, and that it's an indicator of healthy pregnancy. Lab results in this period show a "dilution effect" where water-soluble vitamins tend to decrease and fat-soluble vitamins show that they are increased; which is normal. In addition, women experience hormonal changes, where the placenta produces both estrogen and progesterone and other hormones that contribute in supporting the normal physiological changes of pregnancy. Women, in the third trimester, encounter the "diabetogenic effect" where insulin resistance occurs and glucose is transfered to the fetus as a main source of energy ( the placenta uses 30-40% of glucose delivered by the maternal circulation). 

Food Exchange List - Arabic

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Nutrition During Lactation

~ well-balanced diet (diet affects quality of milk)
~ don't skip meals, eat 5 meals daily (3 main meals, and 2 snacks)
~ Liquid intake is very important (1-2 L /d) 
~ include a source of calcium on each meal ( for a higher quality of milk) 
~ include a source of iron on each meal ( heme and non-heme with vitamin C ) 
~ Include a variety of fruits and vegetables to help get rid of constipation ( sanitation is important)
~ Avoid hot spices and excessive intake of onions and garlic 
~ Avoid fried foods and high fat meals, include the good sources of fat in your diet
~ Avoid the intake of sugar-free products (since actual effects are still unknown)
~ Avoid raw foods ( bacteria may be transfered to the baby) 
~ Avoid foods that cause bloating ( cabbage, cauliflower, radish ...) 
~ Avoid high amounts of coffee (keeps the baby alert) , a max of 2 cups a day.
~ Avoid alcohol and smoking 
~ excersizing is beneficial, but discuss with your doctor (when it's permitted). 

MNT Nephrotic Syndrome

Energy: 35 kcal/ kg (IBW) for adults
              100 - 150 kcal/ kg for children

Protein: 0.8 - 1g / kg.  ( 50% HBV)

Fat: 25 - 35% 
        <7% saturated fat
        < 200mg cholesterol

CHO: 50 - 60 %

Na: individualized according to HTA and edema 

K+: individualized according to lab results, may be replaced in case of diuretics 

Phosphorus: individualized based on lab results

Ca: individualized , ~ 800 - 1200 mg/d

Fluids: based on urine output 

Multivitamin supplements is recommended to prevent deficiencies. 

Nephrotic Syndrome

Medical Nutrition Therapy for GERD & Esophagitis

- Avoid large high-fat meals
- Avoid eating at least 3 to 4 hours before retiring 
- Avoid smoking 
- Avoid alcoholic beverages 
- Avoid caffeine containing foods and beverages
- Stay up-right and avoid vigorous activity soon after eating 
- Avoid tight-fitting clothing, especially after a meal
- Consume a healthy, nutritionally complete diet with adequate fiber
- Avoid acidic and highly spiced foods when inflammation exists
- Lose weight if overweight 

Risk factors for CVD

Modifiable Lifestyle Factors:

- poor diet quality
- physical inactivity
- stress
- tobacco use

Controllable risk factors:

- diabetes
- hypertension
- metabolic syndrome 
- obesity

Non-modifiable risk factors:

- age and sex
- family history
- menopausal status

USDA MyPyramid Food Guide

~ Make at least half of the grain selections whole grains.
~ Choose a variety of vegetables each day, and choose from all five subgroups several times a week.
~ Consume a variety of fruits and no more than one-half of the recommended intake as fruit juice.
~ Make fat-free or low-fat choices when it comes to dairy products.  Choose lactose-free products or other calcium-rich foods if you don't consume milk. 
~ Make lean or low-fat choices concerning meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs, and nuts. Prepare them with little, or no, added fat. 
~ Select the recommended amounts of oils. 
~ Limit intakes of food and beverages with solid fats and added sugars. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Teachers' Day

For all Teachers out there, we wish you on this special day a year full of health and wealth !