Friday, April 17, 2015

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing (noun),  is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.

Advantages of cloud computing:

1- Access from multiple devices
2- no need for software installation and setup
3- no more software and hardware maintenance overhead
4- no need for backing-up your data
5- faster connection

Types of cloud services:

1- Storage only cloud services (ex. google drive, icloud, and dropbox)

- allows you to save your data on the cloud
- they backup your data and take measures to secure it
- No need for USB sticks anymore

2- SAAS (Software as a service) ex. google docs

3- PAAS (Platfrm as a service) ex. ipage, and engine yard

Special Cloud Services:

*Google Cloud Print:    It allows you to print from any device and from any location.
*Cloud Antivirus: It submits your files to the cloud to be scanned for viruses, it is faster and lighter  
                               than traditional antivirus.

Google Cloud Security Advantages:

- Encrypted data
- no virus infected files allowed
- less software installations, less viruses

Google Cloud Security Disadvantages:

- Google administrators can view your data
- Google administrators can delete your data
- Security depends on keeping your password a secret

Note: Boxcryptor is a tool that secures all your files in the cloud; ex. DigitalSafe (swiss)




majida said...

how much technology become effective, this seminar is so beneficial that helps and makes our work more safe. Like the Google drive that is automatically save every thing and we cant lose the file if there is a mistake on laptop or if the USP didn't open

iman kazah said...

technology has become a really major part of our everyday life.. and it bacame really effective and we rely pretty much on it in everything...